Bottle Cap Letter

What you will need:

  • Big Craft Letter
  • Bottle Caps
  • E6000
  • Craft Paint

Bottle Cap Blog

Step One

Start by painting your letter! I chose to use the same color as the bottle caps.


Use a simply shaped letter. Letters in a decorative font may be hard to cover.

Bottle Cap Letter

Step Two

Once the paint is dry, lay out bottle caps on the letter to find the best layout and pattern.


You can pretty easily bend the bottle cap, making it possible to place over corners! (see example in photo above).

Bottle Cap Letter

Step Three

The last step is to glue! Use glue around the rim of the bottle cap and place in desired position. Let dry!

Bottle Cap Letter

You can use a pretty ribbon to hang from a wall or if your letter stands up you can place it on a desk or shelf. This project is perfect for nurseries, children's rooms and even living rooms/home decor!


To ensure letter stands on its own (if desired) do not put bottle caps on the bottom edge.