BCI Crafts, Inc. supplies bottle caps, tools and unique Home Decor DIY products to retailers in the paper craft, jewelry, scrap booking and hobby craft industries. We are located just outside of Boise Idaho and supply stores all over the USA and world wide. View our Store Locations to find one of our valued retailers.
Please call or email with questions or comments that you might have. We would love to hear from you. We strive to answer your questions and help you find items that you need. Whatever your system of ordering is, we can accommodate.
Thanks for shopping with us!
BCI Crafts
1995 N HWY 16
Eagle, ID US
[email protected]

Please call or email with questions or comments that you might have. We would love to hear from you. We strive to answer your questions and help you find items that you need. Whatever your system of ordering is, we can accommodate.
Thanks for shopping with us!
Contact Us
BCI Crafts
1995 N HWY 16
Eagle, ID US
[email protected]